“YOU CAN BE a high-energy marketer, and you can do it for free. Your marketing can propel you to gloriously high profits, and you can do it for free. You can become well known for your nonstop visible marketing, and you can do it for free.” – Opening paragraph of Guerrilla Marketing for Free by Jay Conrad Levinson

It’s true that Guerrilla marketing has been used offline for many years to bring small and large businesses to success. These tactics have been use by creative marketing teams and business owners to create unique marketing messages for their products but what exactly is a Guerrilla Marketer?

According to Wikipedia “Guerrilla marketing is an unconventional system of promotions, running on a very low budget, by relying on time, energy and imagination instead of big marketing budgets. Typically, guerrilla marketing is unexpected and unconventional, where consumers are targeted where they would not be expecting, which can make the idea that’s being marketed memorable, generate buzz, and even spread virally. The term was coined and defined by Jay Conrad Levinson in his 1984 book Guerrilla Marketing. The term has since entered the popular vocabulary to also describe aggressive, unconventional marketing methods generically.” I’d say that’s a pretty good definition.

That’s exactly what I want to discuss with this blog series. I’m taking Jay Conrad Levinson’s methods and applying them to social media. Using a combination of Jay’s ideas from his books and my own I want to create a a year long series (once a week) where I will post an idea, give examples, show how I did it myself, or create a project for you the readers to get involved.

To track the progress of the project and to see links to all related posts, examples, etc go to my Guerrilla Social Media Marketing page and bookmark it.To get the latest post in the series and to easily follow which blog the new post is showing up on just subscribe to my feed via RSS or Email to receive the latest updates.

My goal is to not host a single other post in this series on my own blog (except the last one), In true Guerrilla style I want to spread it across the web in a series of guest posts, so if you have a blog and would like to host one of the posts in this series drop me a line at shua (at) shuaism.com or leave a comment below.

My goals for this new year is to work smarter, harder, spread ideas, and ENJOY a cup of coffee in the mornings. We’ll get this series started later this week with a guest post, stay tuned for details.

Thank you for reading,
Josh “Shua” Peters