What is #The5 and why is it showing up on some of my tweets? Well #The5 is a creation of the ever inspirational Christopher S Penn. Basically, it’s tagging the 5 best pieces of content you find in your day with that tag for others to find.

Much like Mr. Penn I read a TON, so tagging the 5 best pieces of content I come across is going to be a bit challenging because I only try to share what I consider to be the best content I have come across that day.

This is also why I schedule out my content sharing, so that I don’t release a tsunami of links when I’m reading and instead have it just trickle out through the day.

I think this is a great idea and I’m pretty excited to give it a try, follow the tag, and see what gets put out and how the tag grows. I also hope to see you joining in and sharing your top 5 pieces of found content each day.

Thanks for reading,
Josh “Shua” Peters